Total Eclipse Of The Needle Drop- Bonnie Tyler’s Treat To Horror

First and foremost, in this house we listen to the full seven minute and two second version of “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”; not the four minute and thirty second version.  I’m not shy about my love for “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” and it is in my Top 3 of karaoke songs (along withContinue reading “Total Eclipse Of The Needle Drop- Bonnie Tyler’s Treat To Horror”

A Winter Isolation Watchlist

I’m not even going to attempt to sugar coat this- the winter season can suck. You have seasonal depression sprinkled on top of regular depression, stresses and anxieties of the holidays, and there’s so many things that need to be done and so many monkey wrenches that can be thrown into things. Perhaps you’re stuckContinue reading “A Winter Isolation Watchlist”