
It’s just another classic case of life imitating art imitating life.

Mickey Scream 2 (1997)

Blog Posts

Tis The Season For Spooky Yule Logs

Tis the season for the relaxing, ambient videos that satisfy not only your holiday mood, but also your Halloween horror mood that lives all year round.  So welcome to your one stop shop for all spooky streaming Yule logs!  Terrifier 2 Just in case you didn’t get the Clown Cafe theme song stuck in your…

Carrie and the Horrors of Menstruating While Trans

It was a miniscule observation that launched the story that would become a horror staple. It’s about as simple as a backstory could be.  Stephen King got the idea for his first published novel after seeing a pad/tampon dispenser in a high school girl’s bathroom during his time working as a janitor. This rectangular tin…

12 Movies For The Next Ice Nine Kills Album

Metalcore superstars Ice Nine Kills really kicked in the theatrics with the release of their 2015 album Every Trick In The Book, where each song was based on a classic novel (and given that their name comes from a Kurt Vonnegut reference it’s very fitting). A few of the songs on the album were based…

Total Eclipse Of The Needle Drop- Bonnie Tyler’s Treat To Horror

First and foremost, in this house we listen to the full seven minute and two second version of “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”; not the four minute and thirty second version.  I’m not shy about my love for “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” and it is in my Top 3 of karaoke songs (along with…

A Winter Isolation Watchlist

I’m not even going to attempt to sugar coat this- the winter season can suck. You have seasonal depression sprinkled on top of regular depression, stresses and anxieties of the holidays, and there’s so many things that need to be done and so many monkey wrenches that can be thrown into things. Perhaps you’re stuck…

Pet Sematary- Ashes To Ashes, Denial To Acceptance

So There was never going to be a “good” time to write this. I kept meaning to at least get a draft going then things kept happening. My dog had a mass on his heart and died…one of my oldest friends called me to tell me that she has cancer….my boyfriend suddenly had to put…


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